Lip Tattooing

Lip tattooing is a semi permanent technique (lasting up to 5 years, sometimes longer). Pigment is implanted into the upper dermis of your skin using a pen like tattooing machine. Small pixels of colour are dispersed under the skin to redefine lips and create a shape to suit your aesthetic. This is a soft and natural lip ‘stain’ and does not replace lipstick / makeup.

Lip tattoo indications:

  • to restore lip colour

  • redefine the lip border

  • lip scar camouflage

  • asymmetry correction

  • create an everyday colour that saves time in the morning

  • create the illusion of bigger lips

Lip tattoo contraindications:

  • skin conditions in the treatment area ie. keratosis, dermatitis

  • cancer treatment in the last 12 months (Dr clearance required)

  • anyone under the age of 18

  • diabetic clients (please contact us prior to booking)

  • recent surgery on the face (within 6m Dr clearance required)

  • pregnant or breastfeeding

  • keloid scarring

  • roaccuatne, Retin-A, Doxycycline or other photo sensitising / skin thinning medications (must be stopped 6 months prior to tattooing

PLEASE NOTE: If you are prone to cold sores, lip tattooing can cause outbreaks. We ask that our clients take their prescribed antiviral medication as directed prior to their appointment and after, to prevent any cold sores. If you have an outbreak, or any other type of scratch/acne we ask that you reschedule your appointment with 48hrs notice.


Custom mapping and a tailored lip design

Custom pigment colour match to your skin or lip products

Topical anaesthetic pre & during treatment

Aftercare wash, cream & instructions

Healing journey support should you need it :)

A 2nd touch up appointment is required at 6 weeks at a seperate cost of $200

Pre Care

Your tattoo journey will be over 2 appointments, 6 weeks apart. Pre care applies to both appointments individually.

  • You MUST keep your lips hydrated for a minimum of 5 days prior to your tattoo procedure.

  • Avoid sun / UV prior to your tattoo procedure for 30 days.

  • DO NOT drink alcohol 24hrs prior to your tattoo procedure.

  • DO NOT drink caffeine the day of your appointment if it makes you agitated / anxious. You will be lying down for a long period of time.

  • No skin treatments for 2 weeks prior to your tattoo procedure.

  • No LED light therapy for 3 days either side of your tattoo procedure.

  • Stop use of prescription strength retinol products 3 months prior to your tattoo procedure.

  • No anti-wrinkle injections for 2 weeks prior, it takes 2 weeks to fully see the results of muscle relaxants and your facial features may change in this time. Fillers greatly change the face / lip shape therefore, filler must have completely settled prior to any Cosmetic Tattooing. We recommend you wait 4 weeks after having filler before Cosmetic Tattooing.

  • Blood thinning medications that require a prescription for example Warfarin, must be ceased a minimum of 72hrs prior to your tattoo procedure. You will need medical clearance from your Doctor prior.

  • Blood thinning medications that do not require a prescription (Aspirin, Fish Oil) must be ceased 72hrs prior to your tattoo procedure.

  • In any case where you are suffering a non-contagious skin condition, you should seek medical treatment and obtain clearance from your Doctor before any Cosmetic Tattoo procedure can resume / start.


Printed aftercare instructions and an aftercare kit will be provided to you.

  • The treatment area is to be kept clean and free of any water, sweat until the peeling is finished (5-7 days). With the exception of the tattoo wash provided, which is to be used morning and night as directed.

  • Lips are to be kept moisturised at all times to prevent cracking. Only use the lip car provided to you during the healing phase.

  • Expect colour to fade 30-50% once healed.

  • No makeup is to be worn on the lips until completely peeled (5-7 days).

  • NO exercise for 10 days (sweat can cause premature fading of your tattoo pigment).

  • Exfoliation / peeling is a part of the healing process, do not agitate skin by picking, itching or irritating it.

  • It will be 4 weeks before the true colour of your tattoo appears.

  • No skin treatments for 2 weeks post your tattoo procedure (ie. peels, dermaplaning, skin needling).

  • No anti-wrinkle / filler injections for 4 weeks post your tattoo procedure

  • Avoid direct sun exposure during the healing process of your tattoo,

  • Apply SPF to your procedure area once peeling has finished, this is to protect your new skin and tattoo.

  • Avoid the use of skincare products containing any resurfacing ingredients i.e. AHA/BHA, retinoids, hydroquinone for 10 days. After this time avoid the lips with the product to prevent premature fading.

DO’s & DON’Ts

Please remember your tattoo is an open wound. Keep it clean, avoid makeup and follow aftercare precisely.


  • wash you hands before applying balm or use a cotton tip

  • sleep on a clean pillow case

  • let the flaking skin peel naturally when healing

  • follow all aftercare provided and use only aftercare provided to you for the first 10 days

  • drink from a clean straw while lips are healing

  • be cautious while eating / brushing your teeth


  • get your tattoo wet for a long time in the shower

  • pick at the flaking skin - the goal is to let it come away naturally. Premature pulling off of scabbing will result in patchy healing

  • expose your tattoo to UV rays including tanning beds

  • sweat until tattoo has nom ore lifting / peeling skin

  • touch your tattoo with dirty fingers