Skin Needling

Skin Needling, also referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or Vampire Facial, is a treatment that stimulates collagen production via a micro-needling pen device and is a must-have treatment for facial rejuvenation.

The micro-needling pen creates ‘channels’ in the skin with a series of very fine needles. These tiny channels stimulate the healing response of your skin cells that encourages your skin to create collagen, also to allow products to penetrate deeper into the skin to deliver vital ingredients to where they are needed most for optimal skin function.

We have chosen to use a medical device called the Raffine by Alucuro in the clinic. Manufactured in Korea (often always 3 steps ahead of us!) and is ARTG registered with clinical papers and science backed results. Not all devices are created equal, so it’s important that you have the awareness, that we are treating you with an approved and results-based device.

To achieve optimum results, an initial course of 6 treatments evenly spaced over 12 weeks (4 treatments spaced evenly every 2 weeks, then 2 treatments at a month apart, then 3 monthly maintenance) are recommended. 

What are the key benefits of skin needling?

  • Stimulates cellular regeneration and new tissue growth

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Adds volume by stimulating collagen

  • Minimizes scarring or stretch marks

  • Excellent for skin hydration, improving texture and integrity

  • Hair thinning or loss

  • Reduce pore size

  • Reduce the appearance of sun damage and certain types of pigmentation

During your treatment we infuse a sterile ampoule with potent active ingredients that are tailored to your concerns, and finish the treatment with a hydrating sheet mask. We use a topical anaesthetic prior to your treatment for patient comfort.  

This treatment can be done on all parts of the body; some of the most common being face, neck and décolletage, hands & arms, stretch marks, and cellulite of the body, and also on the scalp for hair loss. 

The result of medical micro-needling treatments is fuller, tighter, younger-looking skin.


  • Current cancer or undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy

  • History of keloid or raised scars

  • History of an immune system disease or reduced immunity (Hepatitis, AIDS, HIV or other)

  • Taking blood thinning medication of any type or have reduced clotting function

  • Active or frequent cold sores (we may recommend you use pharmacist recommended prophylactic antiviral therapy before your treatment).

  • Active acne vulgaris within Micro-Needling treatment area

  • Acute or chronic infection (currently taking antibiotics)

  • Skin cancer or suspicious moles in the treatment area

  • Have an allergy to stainless steel, latex, local anaesthetics or skin-care products

  • Pregnancy, fertility treatment or breastfeeding

  • Use of Roaccutane oral medication within the last 6 months

  • On high-dose corticosteroid treatment (eg: prescription steroid for asthma)

  • History of impaired healing (eg: as can occur with uncontrolled diabetes)

  • Received anti-wrinkle, filler, superficial HA injections ge: skinboosters, chemical peels, or any type of laser/light treatment within the last 2 weeks

  • Use of topical Vitamin A, Retinol, Tretinoin or any other topical prescription medication in last 7 days

  • Diabetes**

  • High blood pressure**

  • Heart disease**

  • Deficient immune system**

** You will need a doctor’s clearance prior to treatment.

Pre-Treatment Care

All clients are to have the appropriate skin prep to ensure and effective treatment and prevent risks like hyperpigmentation. All clients must:

  • Have been using Vitamin C for a minimum of 2 weeks prior

    Vitamin C is a tyrosinase inhibitor and very strong antioxidant.

  • Have been using Vitamin A for a minimum of 2 weeks prior

    Vitamin A increases your skin cell turnover and prepares your skin for the needling treatment and healing process.


    Other pre-care & prep:

    6 months prior: Roaccutane type oral medications should be stopped

    8 weeks prior: Nil Superficial non-crosslinked Hyaluronic acid injections

    14 days prior: Refrain from chemical peels, laser treatments, ant-wrinkle injections, filler, facial injections of any kind (except PRP skin rejuvenation)

    7 days prior: Cease use of aspirin and aspirin containing medications (unless this medication is prescribed by a Doctor).
    No waxing, chemical depilatories tinting/microdermabrasion/ tanning beds/fake tan. Cease using acidic products such as Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA), Glycolic or Salicylic

    2 days prior: Avoid excessive sun or UV exposure. Cease NSAID medications or gels ie. Nurofen, Voltaren. Cease supplements and/or herbal products that could affect blood coagulation, such as fish oils, vitamin E, gingko biloba, garlic capsules, ginseng and ginger for at least 2 days before.

    Day of procedure: Please be well hydrated and refrain from excessive exercise prior to your procedure

Pre-Treatment Care

Following skin needling the skin barrier has been temporarily weakened. This barrier normally protects the skin from external stressors and infection.

To support the skin barrier health during the healing phase, maintaining sufficient moisture on the skin with the clinician recommended skincare products, is very important, and should lead to reduced healing-time and improved outcome.


First 24 hours post procedure

Skin: There is likely to be mild to moderate redness and sensitivity in the treated area lasting 12 - 48 hours.

Care Instructions:

  • Drink plenty of water and minimal alcohol, caffeine intake so the skin can remain well hydrated

  • Do not touch the treated area for 4 hours

  • Avoid sun exposure or exposure to elements eg: wind

  • Avoid all swimming, excessive sweating, saunas, spas and hot water on the treated skin. You can rinse the area with water under the shower and carefully dry with a fresh towel after 4 hours

  • After 12 hours, recommend to only use an oil based cleanser for skin cleaning

  • Light makeup / foundation / mineral powder is fine after 24 hours (with adequate moisturiser prior)


For 2-5 days post procedure

Skin: Mild to moderate redness and subtle swelling, followed by dry and tight skin feeling. There will likely be some subtle flaky or peeling skin and crusted areas that feel rough and like ‘sand paper’.

Care Instructions:

  • Do not shave or waxing the treated area

  • Minimise sun exposure and use sunscreen generously over the treated skin as the skin will be more vulnerable to sun burn

  • No active or harsh ingredients are to be applied to the skin – for example – acids ie. AHA, BHA, Glycolic, Salicylic, or Vitamin A derivatives eg: Retinol)

  • Please do not scratch or pick at scaly skin areas, rather wait for the skin to shed on it’s own timeframe

After 5 days post procedure

Skin: The superficial skin cells that need to shed should all be cleared from the skin by now. After the skin has shed it should feel softer, smoother and appear more even in colour.

Care Instructions:

  • Please be aware that the new skin should be treated like a healed sunburn and will be more sensitive to sun and weather exposure, SPF and moisturiser to be used daily.

  • No spray tanning or fake tanning creams for 2 weeks after the treatment.

  • No bleaching, waxing, lasers, IPL, skin peels for 4 weeks after treatment

  • Additionally there is the potential for hyperpigmentation (darker areas of pigment on the skin) lasting 1 to 12 months if the new skin is not sufficiently protected from UV or sun exposure. 

Please contact the skin practitioner who performed your skin needling procedure if you should have any concerns in the treated skin area post procedure.


  • When you sustain an injury to tissue (skin or muscle) your body naturally releases platelets to the affected area, enhancing healing through the release of 8 potent growth factors.

    Collagen Induction Therapy during micro-needling behaves in the same manner. It stimulates the cells responsible for the production of collagen. As a result it accelerates healing time; adds volume to the skin, due to increased collagen; and enhances the overall result.

  • At Aestetic we use a specially formulated topical anaesthetic cream to ensure your comfort. Numbing takes around 15 minutes and the procedure itself takes another 45 minutes. We recommend allowing an hour for your appointment.

  • Results are dependant on the individual and targeted results.

    We recommend 4 treatments spaced every 12 weeks per year following the initial series of treatments to maintain your results.

  • Improvement in the skin is seen with each treatment, but a series of treatments is recommended for optimal results.

    The number of treatments required depends on the condition of your skin and the desired results.

    Typically we recommend 6 treatments spaced in a specific way.

    Within a few days patients begin to see noticeable results. Within 2 to 3 months, the greatest benefit is seen, individuals report fully refreshed skin that looks and feels more youthful.

  • Typically, 1-2 days down time is sufficient. The skin may appear red (similar to sunburn). There is also the potential for bruising.

    Clients will experience 3-4 days of what we call the ‘sandpaper’ phase. This is the result of the skin renewal process, and while the skin feels very rough, it is generally not visible.

    Most clients find a mineral powder makeup is suitable coverage to resume their normal day to day activities after the day of the treatment.